This build started out as a box art replica but I had problems with the stripes. I shot it with Testors Compitition Orange, with my airbrush. It's pretty much, out of the box, with plug wires, etc.
Wheels painted with valve stems & tire treads sanded
Drilled, wired, & painted distributor. Battery is drilled for battery cables
Holley carbs painted. Bases are painted aluminum plate, main bodies are painted my custom mix "Holley Gold", & float bowl adjusters painted steel
Interior painted, flocked, & bare metal foil
Assembled interior
Asembled engine
Painted chassis
Painted & assembled engine compartment
Assembled firewall
Painted grill
Rear end assembly
Painted body
With Bare Metal Foil and glass
Front end with grill installed
Dual quad, crossram, 302 cu. in. small block
Undercarrage with chambered exhaust
Unfortunately the stripe decals wouldn't lay down right, weren't opaque enough, & finally broke
But it looks great without them
Stripe are overated anyway
Heading for the display case